Daily vs monthly contact lenses: What to Choose?
Various sorts of contact lenses are available to people nowadays. Therefore, it's important to find a contact lens that fits your lifestyle and needs based on how often you'll wear it, what kind of activities you'll be doing while wearing it, etc. Therefore, the basic decision you must make before purchasing lenses is "what type of lens do you need?"
Types Of Contact Lenses
Typically, there are three main contact lenses based on their replacement modality:
- Daily Disposable Lenses
As the name suggests, these daily lenses are designed to be used only once. Every day, you open a new pack of lenses in the morning and dispose of them before sleep. As a result, the design of these daily lenses is usually quite thin and has high water content.
- Monthly Disposable Contact Lenses
You can use these lenses for up to a month. Unlike daily disposable contact lenses, the monthly contacts are reusable, and after usage, you can store them in a fresh contact lens solution. It would be good to keep them clean, hygienic and fresh so that they do not cause further irritation or allergies in the eye.
Fifteen day or fortnightly disposable contact lenses
To be used like the monthly disposable lenses everyday, cleaned and stored in fresh solution daily, these lenses are to be replaced every fifteen days. The principle here is that after fifteen days, some amount of protein and debris begins to build up on the lens surface that may be a little uncomfortable. By replacing the lenses in 15 days compared to one month, will make lens wear more comfortable.
- Annually Disposable Contacts
These contact lenses are supposed to be changed once a year. However, this frequency of changing contact lenses is no longer advised. With experience, it is now well established that protein from the tear film and debris cannot be completely cleaned with daily cleaning. Over time, these build up and cause discomfort to the eyes. The protein build up also reduces the number of hours of use each day. The chances of allergies and infection are also significantly higher compared to more frequently replaced contact lenses.
Things To Consider When Choosing The Contact Lenses
Daily disposables are for one-time use, while monthlies must be replaced monthly.
Both have their advantages, and each offers something unique. Here's a look at how monthlies and dailies measure up in terms of comfort, convenience, cost, and health.
Contact lenses are a popular item in the eye care industry. The materials used have evolved significantly over time, making them more comfortable. Silicone hydrogel is a preferred material that allows up to five times more oxygen to focus on the cornea, providing comfort for long periods.
Dailies are typically made of a more comfortable than monthly lenses. The use of silicone hydrogel in modern daily disposables allows comfortable use for longer hours.
Generally speaking more frequently the contact lenses are replaced, the more comfortable it is for the eyes.
Convenience vs Cost-effective
Dailies are quite popular & convenient because they need no cleaning or special solutions, so anyone with a busy lifestyle can wear them. They are great for flex-wear i.e. . whether you wear specs or contact lenses, they give you the freedom to switch.
Though Daily disposable contact lenses are the most convenient, they can be expensive. Hence, the more budget friendly options of fortnightly and monthly disposable exist.
Both these require cleaning solutions to clean the lenses at least after each use and preferably before each use as well. These lenses need to be store din fresh solution each time after use. Also, it might be advisable to carry a travel pack along with lens case in case you need to remove the lenses in an emergency.
It can be smart to buy your contact lenses and the solution used to clean them. When worn daily, monthlies are cheaper than daily-disposabale lenses.
Daily disposables are more cost-effective if you switch between specs and contact lenses and use contact lenses only occasionally. However, Daily disposables are a smart convenient choice while travelling as you can travel without having to carry the solution or getting into the chore of cleaning them while on vacation.
Health & hygiene
Your eyes produce a lot of lipid and protein deposits over time, which can cause discomfort. It is recommended that you use disposable lenses in the long run because there is no build-up of deposits with those. Dailies come in sterilised blister packs for single-time use. They are good for anyone who is commonly affected by eye allergies. Monthly lenses are a cost-effective choice. Fortnightly lenses are replaced sooner than monthly disposable lenses and hence, every fifteen days you can experience the feeling of a fresh new lens. They are definitely more comfortable.
Between Fortnightly and monthly disposable, practically speaking, monthly are easier to remember to change than fortnightly. In our modern lifestyles, we are pretty much programmed to plan in monthly cycles like salary or pocket money date, rent or EMI date, etc.
All planned replacement contact lenses are very easy to use and don't require much effort to get into a routine.
If you're interested in using contact lenses, discussing your options with an eye doctor is important. They'll tell you which products are best for your individual needs and if you should choose daily or monthly lenses.
How Much Care Do Contact Lenses Require?
Also, don't forget about maintenance. Disposable contact lenses - monthly and fortnightly - require storing overnight in a lens case with a lens disinfecting solution and carrying additional products on overnight trips. Daily disposable lenses can be tossed in the garbage bin before bedtime, eliminating any need for care procedures or products. However, if you're travelling, you'll need as many individual contacts as you have days in your trip.
Once you decide between monthly or daily disposable contacts, there may be other factors and features to consider, but you've narrowed it down. If you need help determining which contact lenses are right for you, talk to your optometrist or contact R Kumar Opticians today.
Learn about the Basics of Daily and Monthly Disposable Lenses
Daily Disposable Lenses
Daily contact lenses are typically very thin and have high water content. As a result, eye deposits tend to deposit onto the lens surface, which is why one cannot reuse them.
- Monthly Disposable Lenses
These contact lenses are used by people who require a more durable and longer-lasting replacement. The thicker composition of the lenses makes them more durable and long-lasting, but you must disinfect them regularly.
When and Where To Wear Your Contacts?
Sports players may prefer the convenience of daily lenses because they can be removed & replaced quickly. However, one of the downsides that people have noticed with daily lenses is that they tend to dry out quickly, especially if you are sporting an active lifestyle.
If your plan is only to wear contacts occasionally, you will want to make sure you purchase a daily lens pack. Packs generally come with 30 lenses, so a one-month supply will last you quite a while – no need to worry about expensive disinfecting solutions!
Who's The Winner: Dailies Or Monthlies?
Which choice is right for you is a personal decision. One option is monthly lenses, and the other is daily ones. It's best to consult a professional eye doctor to make an informed decision.
Contacts can be an excellent choice for nearly anyone who needs vision correction and doesn't want to wear eyeglasses or undergo LASIK surgery.
When To Replace Your Contact Lenses
With proper care, you should replace contact lenses regularly to prevent the formation of lens deposits that increases the risk of eye infections.
Soft lenses typically have these general classifications based on how frequently you replace them:
- Disposable lenses are used daily and discarded after one day of use.
- Fortnightly Disposable lenses are designed to be discarded once per 2 weeks or sooner.
- Monthly Disposble lenses are supposed to be discarded monthly.
Daily and monthly lenses come with different replacement schedules. It's important to know that a healthcare professional can help them choose the right eyewear depending on their specific needs, and it's also important to see your doctor regularly for eye health concerns.
People must follow a lens care schedule to reduce their chances of developing eye infections. They should be cautious not to rub their lenses with dirty hands and ensure they are stored in the solution when not used. Don't forget to take off your lenses before taking a shower or swimming.
It is also crucial to note that those who wear contact lenses should always have a spare pair of glasses. It can be useful if the individual cannot wear contact lenses or is experiencing contact lens problems.